• Submitted By: Brian Harrington
  • Departure Airport: Nightmute Airport (IGT)
  • Arrival Airport: Bethel Airport (PABE)
  • Aircraft: C208B (N1275N)
  • Flight Time: 00.12
  • Date Submitted: 02/10/2020
  • Landing Rate: 4 ft/m
  • ACARS Source: smartCARS
  • Overspeed Check: OK
  • Status: Flight Approved
Flight Details
Gross Revenue:
(8 load / $ 200.00 per unit
$ 1, 600.00
Fuel Cost:
(70 fuel used @ 0.78 / unit)
$ 54.60
Flight Log Details


Commenter Comment
Cameron Gleichman Brian- it shows you landed 82nm away from the arrival airport. Can you please provide details as to why a different airport was flown. Thank you.
Cameron Gleichman Per Brian,When I was copying the route info I wrote down PAEW instead of PABE as the destination. PAEW is on the next line down on the flight schedule. I wondered why it was so quick.. And being unfamiliar with Alaska it didn't really register. Any way, it was a quick test to see if I had everything working..