• Submitted By: Max Hightower
  • Departure Airport: Kalskag Airport (PALG)
  • Arrival Airport: Bethel Airport (PABE)
  • Aircraft: A320-214 (N630VA)
  • Flight Time: 00.39
  • Date Submitted: 09/09/2018
  • Landing Rate: -161 ft/m
  • ACARS Source: smartCARS
  • Overspeed Check: OK
  • Route: CABOT2.CABOT V480 BET
  • Status: Flight Approved
Flight Details
Gross Revenue:
(6 load / $ 150.00 per unit
$ 900.00
Fuel Cost:
(48 fuel used @ 5.1 / unit)
$ 244.80
Flight Log Details


Commenter Comment
Max Hightower IFR flight. I believe my Accu-Feel for P3D is causing the issue where the plane touched down early and bounced on the landing. For the landing, I didn\'t perceive a bounce and the landing rates are identical. I will disable it for the next flight to see if I get the same issue. Other than that, I\'m loving the flying!